Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Paint Endlessly

 Long time painters are hot wired to paint every day or often. I produce hundreds of paintings every year. My methods change throughout the years, due to interest and health, but the habit of painting every day stays with me.

 At one time I only painted out doors. That lasted about ten years. I began to see that my technical skills declined considerably. I realized that plein air painting by itself was not the answer. I also learned that outdoor observation was far more important to my knowledge of the natural world.

 Now I spend most of the year painting in my studio, paired with a lot of time walking and observing the natural world from my trails. I do most of my studies at my design table on 4x6 watercolor paper, and paint in the studio two or three days a week. I paint out on the trails in the winter months, when it is cool and pleasant. 

It doesn’t matter what method I use as long as I am working every day and learning as I go. 

 Country painters have a wonderful life…..

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Relentless Pursuit



I’ve been in the art business for many long years. One of the common denominators for successful artists is relentless effort on all fronts. You cannot hide in your studio and succeed. You have to keep painting and marketing whether the market is good or poor. 

 Many artists only work at marketing or funding initiatives when they are selling well. I think the time to market is when you are not. If your sales are flat, invest in your communication, use your mailing list and social networks to get word out about yourself when sales are slow. Don’t give up.  Diversify your painting techniques and subjects to reach a wider audience. Take on commission work if your work is appropriate and change your sizes and price points to include a wider collector base. 

 Make friends with non-artists. Too many artists spend all of their social time with other artists. Too many artists invest their resources in contests and marketing that appeal to artists, not collectors. Artists are fun to know, but collectors and friends help you pay the bills and remain solvent. Most of the people I spend time with are collectors and friends. They add diversity to my life and new ideas. If you are not selling, find new outlets. Learn new techniques. Keep your work fresh and new. Don’t be afraid of change.

 Country painters have a wonderful life……


Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Studio Progress

 My contractor is through with the upgrade to my studio. Now it is my turn to put it all together again. Re-do has been harder than taking everything out. There are more decisions to make now. I am being more discriminating about what I place where. I have left out a few pieces of furniture that were really unneeded. There are a few pieces I can’t find, like my tea kettle. I’m sure it is there somewhere in all the piles of things. 


I think I can finish it up tomorrow, then I’ll sweep the floors and pick up the actual studio room where I paint and make paper.  My plan is to begin painting in my studio again on Saturday morning. I am very excited to see the old place looking so grand. I am to pick up a donated antique chandelier on Sunday afternoon for the big room. The chandelier I bought for the little alcove room looks fabulous. The joint has never looked so good. I recommend that all painters have their studio painted gray. The paintings look so good against the walls now. Next week the studio will be available for tea parties again. Schedule one for yourself with friends.

Country painters are so lucky… 

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Natural Science

 As you all know I am a keen student of upland nature and science. I saw this part of an article from the Science Daily web site: 


The Paleozoic era culminated 251.9 million years ago in the most severe mass extinction recorded in the geologic record. Known as the "great dying," this event saw the loss of up to 96% of all marine species and around 70% of terrestrial species, including plants and insects.


The rate of present-day global warming rivals that experienced during the "great dying," but its signature varies regionally, with some areas of the planet experiencing rapid change while other areas remain relatively unaffected. The future effects of climate change on ecosystems will likely be severe. Thus, understanding global patterns of environmental change at the end of the Paleozoic can provide important insights as we navigate rapid climate change today.


It made me sad to read this as I know we are headed for dark times, unless world leaders begin to take climate change seriously. Science is real, not an inconvenience to corporate, developers, and big business interests. Sadly, it is my grandchildren who will suffer from our neglect of Mother Earth. It seems like we are going backwards toward fascism now.


Country painters love our planet......


Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Having Fun

 While my studio is under construction, I’ve been having a swell time painting 4x6 acrylic paintings on watercolor 140 lb cold press at my design table. I always forget how much fun it is to do paintings on paper. I started with watercolor but soon tired of that. I like doing pen with watercolor but plain WC, not so much. It always seems bland to me and I don’t have the patience to wait for drying between layers. It is just not my game without the ink too.  Opaque is my game and it always has been. I love oils,acrylics,and casein. I don’t mind gouache but it is not my favorite.  


Waiting for my studio upgrade is hard. The studio is quite empty and unusable. I know it will be worth the wait, but I sure miss standing in front of my easel, listening to my WW2 and other history podcasts while I paint with joy. It has to be finished by July 14th. Fingers crossed! If not, I will have to put the old studio back together for 2 days. I would rather not do that! I’ve been thinking some about changing some things around in the room when I move back in. 


New spaces are fun for country painters…… 

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Which Path?

 I’m at the stage of life and career where I need to make decisions on my studio space future. My home town art dealer moved to St Augustine and I do have paintings in his gallery, but no longer have paintings in my home town. 

 I’ve been going back and forth on whether to rent a town studio space or to make gradual cosmetic improvements and stay put in my own studio/gallery space. These decisions need to be made carefully.

 I am not that far out of town, and my friends don’t seem to mind the trip out to my studio. Most of them love being out in the sticks and in the cool months, they enjoy my walking trails. I love having a separate building behind my house and being able to paint whoever I want to. Endless Covid is an issue as well. People know that my studio is a safe Covid free space. I have set it up so visitors sit at one table and I sit  at a different table for safety. 

 I have in mind to have the tea party/gallery room painted a pale gray, charcoal gray baseboards and new laminate gray wood floors installed in that room. Art looks wonderful with gray walls. I don’t need to do the other rooms. I use a smaller room as my working studio space, the hallway and utility room can stay as they are.

I think my current studio is where I belong. I’m saving up for this project. Happily, my contractor told me yesterday she will be able to complete the upgrade before the July Studio tour by GFAA. My theme will be an old fashioned hot dog picnic, with fixings, and veges for my vegan friends. 

 Country painters have great studios…..

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Do you

 There are more and more formulas written by so called experts and coaches for selling art, especially for social media. Not a day goes by that I don’t get unasked for advice on how I can become a great influencer and have tens of thousands of followers. I just have to pay them for their advice, or promote soap, underwear or food products. 


Then there are the trenders in the art world. Let’s all paint abstracts, street scenes, kids on beaches if we want to sell art. Let’s make sure we are using the Pelatone color of the year. If one artist is using good ideas for marketing their work, we must do that too. Let’s not come up with ideas that work for our own needs. 


I say do what is authentically you. Ignore the trends, ignore the new trending color, ignore what the popular artists do, unless you happen to love their colors or style. I have gone my own way through my career. I often stop and check whether an art venue works for me. I do let my emotions guide me. 


Most plein air painters in Florida have forgotten that  Cheryl Ritter and I produced the first paint out in Florida and Hope Barton and I started the Epcot Center WDW paint out. I was the project manager for that event for 10 years, and I consulted on the Forgotten Coast, Winter Park, Jax Arboretum, Evinston, New Smyrna Beach, and Wekiva Paint Outs. David Johnson and I created Plein Air Florida.  Yet, a time came when I knew paint outs were over for me. I left that world behind. It did not ruin my career, it was just time to go. 


Country painters have a swell life…

Tuesday, May 10, 2022


 I have long been fascinated with atmospheric qualities of the landscape. I credit that interest to all my years as a hobby naturalist and years of observation as a professional painter.

I like to think of a canvas as three basic planes of the landscape, distant, middle, and foreground. I am ever aware of those basic planes. They can be adjusted up and down the picture plane, but they are ever present. 

The key is thinking in the way we actually see. Unlike a camera’s photo, everything is not crisp and clear in our natural view. We tend to focus on one area of our view. The painter has the ability to put the focus on a plane, either distant, middle or foreground.  Inexperienced painters make everything sharply focused or everything blurred. They make everything highly saturated or bland, middle range in values or too contrasty. A good painting has variety. 

The painter’s job is to create a beautiful or interesting scene, not to copy nature. We must lead the viewer into the painting and keep them there as long as possible. If everything is the same focus, color saturation, sharp or carelessly finished, it becomes predictable. 

Painting is hard for country painters……


Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Stay Aware

 One of the most important things and artist must do, is to periodically analyze their activities and to be aware of changes in their career. Many artists get into a rote pattern of doing what they have done before just because that is what they always do. I see this very frequently.


I constantly think about an event and evaluate its potential for me for sales and marketing. Am I really getting anything out of it besides a few hours of fun? Is the event wearing on my body, my time and resources without return on investment? Am I doing an event because all of the "brand name" artists are going to be there rather than because it really helps me in some way? Does this event take me away from my own market, my studio time, and cost money instead of creating ROI?


 Many artists use the excuse that events are fun, so are worth the cost and time management issues. Frankly, I can have fun with a real vacation without the stress of working through a paint out or other event. Why not spend a few hundred dollars to go on a real vacation, where you are free to enjoy all of the fun?


 Every artist has to go their own path to success. I'm not suggesting that everyone should analyze the ROI for their time. I am a business woman, not just an artist, so my time must be used wisely as often as possible. 

Country painters have a wonderful life….. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Changing Mediums


 I think changing mediums makes me a better painter. I’ve been using oils for over a year now for my serious work. I like to change up mediums every year or so. In my long career I have taught myself to use casein, gouache, acrylics, pastels, graphite, and pen and ink.

 I’m switching over to acrylic on canvas for awhile starting this week. I always take with me a few things I learn from one medium to the next. I learned all about glazing in oils and carried it forward to acrylics. I learned all about clean mixing and placing paint next to color and value shifts from acrylics and it helped me to paint well with clean application in alla prima oils. 

 Today was my switch. I did this painting in about 90 minutes. I had forgotten how fast acrylics are. I really enjoyed it. It took me about 8 years to learn to paint with acrylics. I like to have them look almost identical to my oils in finish, easier said than done. 

 I prefer casein to gouache for opaque water based painting. Casein doesn’t muddy or lift. It is cleaner than gouache. I like pen and watercolor better than just watercolor, but I am forcing myself to use watercolor alone. I ordered some watercolor paper which will work better than MM paper. 

 It is all good fun for country painters…….