Friday, October 27, 2023

Michaels Store painting Class


Turning to Gold

 I love the subtle changes in color here in north central Florida.  I am seeing the grape vine leaves turn to gold. They trail down from their entanglements with trees like gold beads on a prom dress. As I walk the trail, I begin to see randomly scattered, intensely red  leaves. 

As a painter, I love the bright warm color against the neutral brown gray soil and the dark evergreen trees. In the north, color is intense everywhere. Here, there are lovely spots of intensity among the green of Florida. I’ve always loved brilliant color next to gray. 
Each time I walk, the color is changing just a bit more.  The sedges, tall and green in summer are changing to the rust of winter quickly now. The next few months will be the best of the natural world, reminding me why I love Florida so much.
Country painters love the woods……