Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Paint Endlessly

 Long time painters are hot wired to paint every day or often. I produce hundreds of paintings every year. My methods change throughout the years, due to interest and health, but the habit of painting every day stays with me.

 At one time I only painted out doors. That lasted about ten years. I began to see that my technical skills declined considerably. I realized that plein air painting by itself was not the answer. I also learned that outdoor observation was far more important to my knowledge of the natural world.

 Now I spend most of the year painting in my studio, paired with a lot of time walking and observing the natural world from my trails. I do most of my studies at my design table on 4x6 watercolor paper, and paint in the studio two or three days a week. I paint out on the trails in the winter months, when it is cool and pleasant. 

It doesn’t matter what method I use as long as I am working every day and learning as I go. 

 Country painters have a wonderful life…..

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