Tuesday, April 4, 2023


 There have been endless numbers of people who have helped me through my long career. Now more than ever I must do what I can for others. I grew up with parents who believed in community support. There was never a holiday without extra places around the table for people who had no place to go. My grandfather almost went broke fixing cars for people who couldn’t pay during the great depression. He owned a garage.


 I was taught to be grateful for everything. If I didn’t learn it enough as a child, I sure did through the hard, broke years of single parenting. Despite the hardship, I raised my daughters to be givers too. We raised money to buy shoes for children in elementary school. In high school my girls learned from me to pitch in for other kids’ band uniform rentals, weightlifting, cross country track trips, and providing rides for kids. Now, as adults they continue the family tradition in their own causes. 


A wise friend advised me some years ago that the world is made of givers and takers. He tends to be quite cynical, but I believe he is right, especially during a crisis. I’m quite lucky in that most of the people I know are true givers, whether they are high or low on the food chain. 

Country painters are givers…..

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