Wednesday, December 22, 2021


 Artists must be determined, flexible, and faithful to succeed. Financial success can be a very  long journey.  There are many marketing gurus in the art world and they all have advice that can be used to further one’s career. Just be careful about who you choose. 


There are times when all of the right moves are ineffective.  No matter how much you market, how much social media, post cards, ads, etc. you get, the sales simply dry up. This can be due to the economy ups and downs, perceived or real. It can be due to political unease, polarization, election years. It can be due to subject matter being in or out of fashion. There are many reasons why your work stops selling for periods of time. Having been in this business for many years, I have learned to live through difficult periods without fear or dismay. Sales always come back eventually. 


In the mean time, you must tighten your belt, live without dinner out, shopping sprees, indulgences.  When sales are down, I do more marketing and more art. I want to improve my work, so I must work every day, do the best work I am capable of and get it out in front of people. I must ask for help from friends to promote my work to their acquaintances. Everybody knows someone who can afford to buy art. I rely on friends and collectors to help me succeed, because I love and support them. They want me to be successful, so they are happy to help.  


Flexibility helps. Reading the coming market, political period, and mood is important. I often do small series of works in a limited number, changing up mediums, sizes and subjects to attract collectors of smallworks. I will change venues and add or let go of markets that aren’t producing.


When all else fails, sheer determination helps me to stay focused and motivated, happy to be a full time artist. There is no job I would be more qualified for and I always survive in the topsy- turvy world of art.


Country painters keep trying…….

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