Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Who’s Fault?

 Who's fault that some artists can't make a living?  I know a lot of artists who automatically go to the old standard reasons. The economy is poor. Young people don't buy art. People only want famous artists' works. There is little art education in schools anymore. Everything is digital now. If you don't paint abstracts, no one will buy your art. There are really hundreds of reasons why artists have a hard time making a living.

 I am the first to admit that selling art is a difficult task. I've been in the art business all of my life. I do think it is far too easy to self pity and say it can't be done. Making a living as an artist is daunting, but it can be and is a viable way to make a living. Attitude and willingness to succeed are everything. This goes for any occupation.

 I don't spend my time worrying about any of the reasons that art doesn't sell. That is a complete waste of my time and resources. I do instead, spend a heck of a lot of time thinking about what I can do to sell enough art to pay my bills and buy art materials. My goal is not to become wealthy, though that would be lovely. My goal is not to be famous. There are obligations attached to that that I am not willing to carry out. My goal is to continue being an independent self sustaining artist, paying my own way through what is left of my time on this good earth. A simple, doable goal.

 I never for a moment think that I can't succeed. That is out of the question. I will not fail. I work very hard. I depend on others to aid me. My followers on social media are my referral team. I know they will help me and I will help them. I know my collectors want me to be successful, and they help me with referrals. I know that my work is of a subject that appeals to niche collectors. I don't try to appeal to every market. I don't try to be trendy. I don't switch my painting subjects and styles to fit the latest trends. I don't try to fit in to art societies, or groups any more. That is ego driven. I go my own way, secure in that my efforts are truly genuine.

 There is no blame for lack of success, only props that give you excuses to fail! Don’t play the blame game as an artist. Don’t go pro if you are not willing to work very hard. Enjoy a happy and fulfilling hobby instead. 

 Life is wonderful for country painters.......,


  1. Always wise words!! I am so glad I "met" you years ago. You have always been able to capture and express wise thoughts. And I enjoy seeing Florida through your eyes.

  2. Kind of you Marion. I enjoy your lovely paintings.


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